We Have A Walker

108 Early Intervention Physical Therapy Sessions at home

62 Aquatic Therapy Sessions at the Children’s Institute

62 Land Based Therapy Sessions at the Children’s Institute

For those of you counting, that’s 232 hours spent in physical therapy leading to this moment right here:


I have been desperately searching for the right words to stress the importance of this monumental occasion. When any child walks for the first time, it is something to be celebrated. For our family, this is one of those examples of ordinary moments becoming extraordinary.

Some days, this life is challenging. There are days that I want to cancel every therapy session and go do something spontaneous. Then, we have a moment like this, and I remember why we work so hard. I have had the privilege of watching this baby progress on this journey. I saw her struggle and fight, with grit and determination, like no one I have ever seen. I am gifted with this unique experience that very few people get to witness in a lifetime. She has had to fight to roll over, to sit up independently, to cruise, to stand, to crawl, to creep. Nothing came easy to her. It has been brutal work and taken loads of time.

Did you know that the body uses approximately 200 muscles to walk? These muscles must coordinate and communicate with your brain in order to hold you upright, put one foot in front of the other, direct your motion, and get you from one place to another. This is something that parents wait for, camera in hand, to capture. Every parent can recall exactly how old their child was when they began to walk.

Now imagine that your body worked a little differently, and your muscles were so relaxed that you possessed superhuman flexibility.

Could you put your feet up over your head? No problem.

How about a split in your stroller? Piece of cake!

Could you use those 200 muscles to work together and walk?

Yes! It just might take you a little longer….27 months to be exact

But it would be that much more exciting to finally achieve your goal. It would take vast amounts of energy, time, and determination to succeed. Your mommy would be by your side the whole way and when you finally walked, she would celebrate this life changing moment. She would record it and watch it over and over.

At 2 years and 3 months old, sweet Sienna Mae became a walker. I ugly cried like I had just watched Toy Story 3. Congratulations to my precious girl.

I’d be leaving out a huge part of this puzzle if I did not mention Sienna’s therapists. I cannot say enough positive things about their dedication and commitment to my child. They have been a rock for our family. They have given us the tools that led to this moment. If I didn’t acknowledge them, I wouldn’t be sharing our true story. They are the unsung heroes. Thank you, Peggy, Amy, Lydia, and Sammy! We love you.

“Great people do things before they’re ready. They do things before they know they can do it.” -Amy Poehler

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