My dearest Sienna,
Two has taught us so many lessons. Two is the year we learned that hard work, patience, and perseverance pay off. During your second year of life, you’ve spent 228 hours in therapy, working to achieve your goals. You are walking, communicating your needs, and soaring with your strengths.
You have so many strengths. You say hello to every person you see. You even make people that are truly determined to be in a bad mood (your dad) smile. You are the most intent, hardest working human being I’ve ever known. You never give up, and you refuse to accept help. You swat my hand away as I offer it to you for assistance. You are fiercely independent and that trait will serve you well in life. You are tough. You’ve been given vaccines and smiled at the nurses while it was happening. You are hilarious. We try so hard not to laugh when you throw things, but we fail often.
Two has taught us lessons about advocacy. We learned that acceptance is achieved through understanding. We visited hundreds of students teaching them all about you. We left each classroom knowing that we made a difference. The kids never wanted to say goodbye. We also learned the scope of advocacy work that needs to continue. We now know that we can positively affect legislation by lobbying for your rights. We will not allow people with Down syndrome to be marginalized. We will continue to fight to make sure you and your peers have the same rights as all citizens. We’ve only just begun.
Today, we arrive at three. Three brings us the departure of Early Intervention, a goodbye that is more difficult for your mom. We say goodbye to some amazing folks that have been in your life since you were six weeks old. They have been monumental on your journey and it’s hard closing that chapter. It’s also challenging entering this new stage….planning your education. Three is the beginning of preschool. It both worries and excites me. School has always been a looming fear, but if there is anything you’ve taught me, it’s to take it one day at a time.
I know that you’re going to continue to exceed expectations, prove that you’re capable of anything, and surprise the hell out of me. You’ve done it from the very minute I laid eyes on you. You’ve taught me that differences are what make life beautiful, and you baby girl, are the most beautiful three year old I have ever seen. I’ve learned more from you in these three years than I have in my whole life. I cannot wait to see what more you have to teach us. Thank you for choosing us.
Love always,
Happy 3rd Birthday to Sweet Sienna !! I am so glad she is doing so well with everything. We know life is alittle harder with her and Charlie but we wouldn’t trade it for a minute. Wish I could be the advocate that you are for Sienna but I don’t have the energy. She is so lucky to have you and your family. God Bless You Shannon.
What a beautiful birthday letter for Sienna on her 3rd birthday!
She is so lucky that she has you for her Mommy.
I can’t wait to see her.