Down Syndrome Awareness Month Fun Facts


Is she high functioning?

When Sienna was first born, one of the questions I was asked the most was, “Is she going to be high functioning?”. Down syndrome has no spectrum. It affects different people in different ways. It’s an extra chromosome in every single cell of the body. We don’t know what strengths and weaknesses Sienna will have, because she’s just a sweet baby whose personality is just starting to emerge. We love her no matter what, just like any parent loves their child unconditionally.

Brushfield Spots

I am posting a picture that’s closeup of her beautiful blue eyes. If you look close enough you can see her Brushfield’s spots(speckled iris). They are little white spots that are slightly elevated on the surface of the iris arranged in a ring concentric with the pupil. These spots occur in typical children, but are far more frequent in Down syndrome. They were described in 1924 by Thomas Brushfield and are due to aggregation of a normal iris element (connective tissue). I could stare into her eyes all day. They are one of my favorite things about my girl. Can you imagine how much happier the day of her birth would have been if my Doctor chose to point those out instead of all the negatives?

What will she be when she grows up?

Author, College graduate, Artist, Business owner, Zumba instructor, Preschool teacher, Actor, Musician, Barista, Professional Golfer, Model, Body builder, Councilwoman

These are just some of the professions currently held by successful adults with Down syndrome. Before I had Sienna, I had no idea that people with Ds were capable of such amazing things. One day, you or someone you know might have a child with Ds. I hope info like this makes us all realize that everyone is capable of greatness.

Reach for the stars, Sienna Mae

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